End Time Dreams: Zombies, Chem Trails, 9/11, Mark of the Beast, BLM, Rapture

just wanted to share something with you what’s been on my heart/mind for a long time. I have discussed various apocalyptic and end time dreams from the Lord in a prior podcast but I haven’t illustrated it before.  Ever since I was about 15, I started having end-time dreams.  

Believe me, I was not a Christian at age 15 and knew hardly anything about the Bible (was not raised a Christian) and was interested in typical teenage girl stuff: worldly things like high school, dances, music, movies, parties, friends, and boys.  What I’m about to tell you was the furthest thing from my teenage girl mind: 

I had this dream several times and I always wondered what it was about. The dream was that I was walking among zombies.  I was alive in my spirit and was not ‘zombiefied’ but, to blend in and not be eaten by these zombies, I acted and talked like them (but didn’t think like them and was alive).  Then, the dream morphed into finding others (a small group of people) who were also alive and not zombie-fied.  We tried to help those who were zombies.  We met together frequently to figure out a way to help them out of their state with a cure.  So, the Lord showed me that, in hind sight, when I became a Christian at age 16, the zombies were a metaphor of those who are still dead in their sins and I was alive in Christ.  Then, the other people who I met were others who were alive in Christ and we were trying to help those who were dead spiritually with the cure: by telling them about the Savior, Jesus Christ. 

The second dream I had around that time, concurrently with the zombie dream was that I saw an airplane overhead emitting a gaseous fog.  Then, the people on the ground started breaking out into rashes ands sores.  I’ve prayed and wondered about this dream for years.  This dream was about, quite possibly, the chem trails that people around the world have complained about as the cause of their rashes that have been caused by biological agents or genetically modified organisms that has caused a mystery illness (one that the medical community is slowly accepting or outright denying as real called Morgellons) in which the rashes have fibers growing out of them.  They complain of crawling, biting, stinging, etc.  I, myself, have suffered with these issues since 2010 but not the fibers but I’m praying for and believing for healing in Jesus’s name! 

The third dream was in 2000 when I was 26 or  27.  I was backslidden and Revelation and apocalyptic movies and images was the last thing on my mind.  Did I read Revelation before this? Yes, years before as I was not, like I said, living for the Lord and backslidden at the time.  I won’t go into detail about how I was backslidden but you can guess what a Prodigal Son (in this case, Prodigal Daughter) does.  Perhaps God gave me these dreams when I wasn’t living for Him so nobody can claim, “Well, you dreamed this stuff because you were reading the Bible, specifically in Revelation!” someone might retort.  Trust me. The way I was living then, the Bible/Revelation was the last thing on my mind! I dreamed that I was in an urban area on the street with sky scraper buildings all around.  I looked into the ominous distance and the clouds were darkened due to locusts (and not clouds).  I heard a low hum or buzz that grew increasingly louder as a hoard of locusts flew near. 

I saw huge, gigantic locusts devouring everything: buildings and people and people were scrambling and running away from these demonic locusts as fast as they could.  It was one of the more scarier dreams I’ve had.  The Bible, in hind sight, states several times about locusts. It was always a judgement on fallen/sinful mankind.  In Revelation 9:3 it states “and there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power.” Also, there are other scriptures that talk about locusts with the faces of men, hair like women, wings, breastplates of  gold, etc. but I won’t get into those details because I didn’t see that in my dream. I just saw they were huge/gigantic locusts.  Perhaps God may have been showing me 9/11 before it happened.  A person may ask, “Then, if you knew it was about 9/11, why didn’t you warn somebody?” As if anyone would pay heed if I did tell someone! Plus, at the time I didn’t know what the dream was about. 

If you’ve never seen a Zebra before but you dream of a black and white four-legged horse-like creature but you can’t figure out what the animal is but you can describe it and then later you actually go to the zoo or Africa and see a Zebra, your dream would make sense.  Likewise, I think God was showing me, in hind sight, that the locusts symbolized the terrorists and the buildings and people that the locusts were devouring were the 9/11 victims.  Ironically, the Koran talks about the locust as a sign of Allah’s favor upon Mohammed as a locust alights on him, interestingly enough.  Did I know this stuff at that time of the dream? No, absolutely not. 

Fast forward to 2013 before I became a Christian “truther” and found out about vaccines and the Nephilim.  A dream I had November 1, 2013 (I remember the date because I posted it on Facebook the following morning) was that I was pressured by militarized government officials to receive an injection.  I instinctively knew in the dream not to take it for some reason because I saw that the people who had received, willingly, the injection were brainwashed, controlled, and their heads were elongated and they were dwarfish. It made them something between human and creature for some reason.  I fled the city with my husband to evade capture so I wouldn’t be forced to take the injection. I’m not saying that people will appear necessarily like the human hybrid creatures I saw in my dream: instead the change will be under the skin (genetic and spiritual changes). Just like the people around me didn’t look like zombies per se, but that was their spiritual condition. 

 Little did I know that the Corona Virus was going to become a pandemic or Plandemic to cause mandatory compliance to wear masks and then receive a vaccine eventually. How do the vaccines relate to what I just posted regarding the injection turning people into hybrids? The answer? Please watch https://youtu.be/GVd-T2dZD3I especially note time stamp 14:36 onwards. 

After you watch the video, the rest of what I’m posting will make sense. If you don’t watch it, what I’m about to say next will not make sense.

In November 2014, my friend told me about the Nephilim in Genesis 6 that (paraphrased) states that the fallen angels saw that the daughters of men were beautiful and married who they chose and their children were the Nephilim/Giants.  Anyhow, many people believe the Giants  were all wiped out in the flood but there was a second incursion of the Giants/Nephilim in the land of Canaan (promised land) as well as Goliath (like in the biblical account of David and Goliath). 

So, we don’t see extremely huge beings of 15 feet plus necessarily, but their hybrid blood (of fallen angel/human) is still in the gene pool and they are alive and well today. They are hidden/concealed among us.  Anyhow, this is an extensive topic so it’s best to do your own research if you already haven’t regarding the Nephilim and how they are a cross-breed between human and fallen angel.  The elongated heads in my dream, in hind sight, resemble the skulls of the Giants/Nephilim found in archaeology. 

So, what is in this injection/vaccine that the powers that be want to inject everyone with and want people to demand it? What is in the vaccine that the powers that be (like Bill Gates teaming up and funding the CDC to deposit a tracking microchip within the vaccine) want to vaccinate 7.5 billion people the world over? Also, there’s an excellent article from Skywatch TV regarding how the vaccine may be the Mark of the Beast:


A dream I had in 2015 was that I was in line to be martyred because I was not going to deny Christ and receive the Mark of the Beast and live with the temporary benefits (like being able to buy and sell) but then ultimately receiving the wrath of God in this life and in the next. There was another line parallel to mine of people waiting to receive the Mark of the Beast.  There was a man that got out of our line to be martyred for Christ to receive the Mark of the Beast and I cried, pleading, and using scripture to persuade him to stay in this line and how if he receives the Mark of the Beast, he will be condemned in this life and in the next. Revelation 14:9-10:

9Then another angel, a third one, followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, 10he also will drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is mixed in full strength in the cup of His anger; and he will be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb

I woke up crying. It was one of the most intense and disturbing dreams from the Lord I have ever received.

Also, sometime late last year in 2019, I had a dream of a black panther (no, I didn’t watch the movie right before this) and that I was locked into a body outline cage around my silhouette hanging above an open flame. I felt that God was showing me the riots and protests of the Black Lives Matter movement (please do your research, if you haven’t already, to see that some rioters are paid off by George Soros to stir chaos and destruction). Also, I felt that the cage I was in was the fiery trial that I’m going to go through from current and future events. 

A few nights ago, I had a dream of children in heaven somberly singing (in an unfamiliar song and melody I’ve never heard before) “war” in harmony and unison to a crescendo. I was puzzled as to what this could’ve meant. Yesterday, I believe God showed me what it meant when Canary Cry Radio put out a podcast called “The War on Children”: it was about childhood sexual abuse and child human trafficking. You can listen to it here: 


Also, I wanted to leave you with this positive dream that was probably in 2015 while I was in Thailand.  I had a dream I saw a big, beautiful boat that was giving off light/luminescence/glow.  The boat contained the people that had given their lives to Jesus and accepted Him into their hearts and it was spiraling into the air (like a celestial, airborne Noah’s Ark) and I heard the loud, booming, authoritative voice of God that said 1 Corinthians 15:52: "Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed."

The Bible states in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 that “then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.  Ironically, I was born at 4:17 am. I wonder if the Lord is trying to show me that this in indication of the rapture that’s in 1 Thessalonians 4:17. Here’s a diagram that shows the timeline of biblical prophecy and events including the rapture.  

There’s some people that state the rapture is not a biblical concept because the word “rapture” isn’t in the Bible. It’s not, but if you use deductive reasoning from 1 Thessalonians 4:17 as well as Matthew 24 how (paraphrased) that two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left.  Two women will be grinding with a hand mill: one will be taken and the other left.  Basically, the Bible is stating this is the rapture or being “caught up” to meet the Lord.  So, why would we need to be caught up to meet the Lord in the air if this is the same thing as Jesus’s second coming? Jesus would be coming down for the second coming whereas these scriptures state that we will be snatched or caught up like a “thief in the night” which is different from when “every eye will see him, even those who pierced him!” (Revelation 1:7).

Really, it’s up to us as to if we want to live our lives ready for Jesus like the 5 wise virgins in Matthew 25 verses 1 to 13 ready for our groom’s (Jesus) return or are we like the 5 foolish virgins who are not ready for the groom to return? If we are not ready, we will face the Great Tribulation, which I pray, dear reader, will not be your fate. 
